Equilibrium Psychotherapy


Confidentiality Agreement

At Equilibrium, we understand the deeply personal nature of the information you share during therapy. Your privacy and trust are at the core of our practice, and we are fully committed to maintaining strict confidentiality regarding all aspects of your treatment. This agreement explains how we protect your information and outlines the limited circumstances where disclosure may be required.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

We pledge to safeguard all information you share during your sessions. The trust you place in us is a responsibility we take very seriously, and your confidentiality will always be respected. Your personal information, therapeutic records, and details of our conversations will remain private, fostering a safe and supportive environment for your healing.

What Information is Protected

We ensure confidentiality for:

• Your personal data (e.g., name, contact information, date of birth)
• Psychological and medical history
• All content discussed in therapy, including session notes, treatment plans, and progress reports
• Any additional communication between you and your therapist, whether written or verbal

Exceptions to Confidentiality

While we aim to keep all information confidential, there are rare exceptions where disclosure may be necessary to comply with legal or ethical obligations:

• Legal Mandates: If required by a court order, subpoena, or legal proceedings.
• Imminent Harm: If there is a reasonable belief that you may harm yourself or others, or if there is a clear risk of violence, suicide, or other danger.
• Abuse or Neglect: If there is evidence or suspicion of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child, elder, or vulnerable individual.

Whenever possible, we will discuss these situations with you before taking any action, unless doing so would increase the risk of harm.

Secure Communication

We prioritize the security of our communication with you:

• All electronic communication, including emails and online therapy, will be conducted through secure, encrypted channels to protect your sensitive information.
• Phone calls and in-person meetings are kept confidential, with no unauthorized parties gaining access to the conversations.
• We recommend avoiding the use of shared devices or non-secure platforms for any communications related to your therapy.

Record Storage and Retention

• Your records are securely stored in compliance with the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality.
• We retain your records for a legally required period of 3 years, after which they are securely disposed of.
• You may request access to your records at any time, and we are happy to discuss how they are being stored and protected.

Your Rights as a Client

You have the right to:

• Ask questions about how your information is being handled.
• Request that certain information not be included in your records (subject to legal requirements).
• Withdraw consent for the use or disclosure of your personal information, where applicable.

Consultations with Other Professionals

In certain cases, your therapist may find it beneficial to consult with other professionals (e.g., supervisors, medical professionals, or colleagues) to ensure you receive the highest quality of care. These consultations are done in a confidential manner, with no identifying information disclosed unless you have provided explicit consent.

Consultations with other professionals might include:

• Supervision or Peer Review: Discussing treatment approaches with other licensed professionals to ensure ethical and effective care. These discussions maintain your anonymity, and no personal details are revealed unless necessary and approved by you.
• Collaboration with Medical Professionals: If you are receiving care from a physician or another healthcare provider, your therapist may collaborate with them to provide a more holistic approach to your treatment. This will only occur with your prior consent, and the exchange of information will be limited to what is essential for your well-being.

Your Rights in Professional Consultations:

• You will be informed of any need to consult with another professional before it occurs.
• Your written consent will be required for sharing identifiable information, and you have the right to deny or withdraw consent at any time.
• We will only share information that is relevant and necessary for your care.

Use of Technology and Online Communication

If you choose to participate in therapy through online platforms or communicate via email or text, please be aware that while every effort is made to secure your information, absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Our practice uses encrypted communication tools to protect your information, but risks associated with online communication (such as hacking) exist. By engaging in online communication, you acknowledge and accept these potential risks.

Data Storage and Security

Your records are securely stored both physically (if applicable) and digitally in a manner that complies with legal and ethical standards. Digital records are protected with encryption, password protections, and secure access systems. Only authorized personnel can access your records. We maintain your records for the required duration as mandated by law, after which they are safely destroyed.

Breach Notification

In the rare event that your confidential information is compromised (e.g., a data breach), you will be notified immediately. We will take all necessary steps to contain the breach, investigate the circumstances, and protect your information moving forward.

Changes to Confidentiality Policies

We reserve the right to modify or update this confidentiality agreement at any time, in accordance with legal, ethical, or practice requirements. You will be notified of any substantial changes, and you will have the opportunity to review and discuss how they may impact your treatment.

If you have any questions or concerns about our confidentiality agreement, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to help ensure your therapy experience is as smooth and supportive as possible.

Everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, deserves access to quality health care.